As I write this article (having just had 100mm of rain overnight in South Eastern Queensland) it reminds me of the lead up to last year’s sale which was extremely wet and just got wetter. The extremely wet conditions definitely affected bull preparation and step, yet the sale still achieved excellent results.
Overall, the 2023 Queensland Simmental Bull Sale was another great success with a 99% clearance rate (99/100 bulls sold) and a strong average of $12,515 per head.
This compares to the 2021 sale which achieved a 100% clearance (82/82 bulls sold) for an average of $12,450 per head.
The sale represented good value for money with sires for every budget. Bulls went all over Queensland and as far south as Tasmania with volume by price reflected in the table below.
$5,000->$10,000 | $10,001->$15,000 | $15,001->$20,000 | $20,001->above |
49 | 29 | 11 | 10 |
Vendors in the QSBS agreed that the sale needs to get better year upon year
the following changes have been made to this year’s sale
A number of buyers requested Breedplan Data (EBIVs) for the 2023 sale, and this was initially planned by sale vendors. Following this in early 2023 Simmental Australia introduced EPDs to performance measure the breed.
With some vendors using EBIVS and other using EPDs the decision was made to leave performance data out of the catalogue, but vendors are encouraged to present performance data on sale day. -
In 2022 a small number of vendors entered bulls in the show circuit. For 2023 the sale determined it doesn’t wish to discourage individual vendors entering bulls in shows but also that sale conditions cannot make exceptions to the “no coat clipping” rule moving forward.
On this basis the “no coat clipping requirement” has been removed however all vendors have been reminded that “clipping the ears, the tail set and pizzle is the preferred presentation for bulls in this sale”.
- A number of independent selling agents requested “more bulls” and more “black bulls” for 2023. In considering this request Joe Grove, Ray White Blackall and Gary Wendt, Ray White Gracemere visited vendors studs all across Australia and are highly impressed with the overall quality of the line up of bulls for this year’s sale.
- Way back in 2020 the Queensland Simmental Bull Sale initiated a survey of 400 Queensland Commercial Beef Producers to develop a desired “specification for a European bull suitable for Queensland Markets and the Queensland Climate”. On that basis a number of interstate studs subtly changed their genetic programs and this year the sale will see a result of those changes for the first time.
If you would like to view the bulls prior to the sale, please contact:
Joe Grove, Ray White Blackall - 0428 958 639
Gary Wendt, Ray White Gracemere - 0427 184 875
Liam Kirkwood, Ray White Townsville - 0457 577 747

125 Purebred Simmental Bulls, 12 vendors representing every mainland state in Australia
31st July 2023, CQLX Gracemere, online bidding via Stocklive
To receive a hardcopy catalogue use the contact form on our website.