The sale includes bulls born and raised right here in Queensland but also includes animals from high performing studs from other states. Knowing that commercial beef producers often travel Australia Wide to source new and different Simmental genetics (outside of those readily available in Queensland) the Queensland Simmental Bull Sale has brought those bulls right here to save time and travel costs. These vendors include some very well known Simmental breeders including three of the longest established and one of the most highly regarded Simmental breeders in Australia. The sale also includes a number of significant commercial beef producers who have vertically integrated their operations to include their own Simmental Studs.
Over seventy percent of the studs involved in the sale were selected to participate on the basis that they have demonstrated performance by meeting or exceeding the industry sale averages and clearances rate for their bulls over a number of years. Twenty percent of stud vendors were selected as they run a significant scale beef production enterprise and have launched their own cattle stud and truly understand commercial beef production. The last ten percent have been selected to support new breeders in accessing an appropriate market and to keep the stud breeding sector competitive and continually improving
A large number of the bulls presented in the sale are from vendors based in Queensland and this can be referenced in the participating studs section. These studs include multiple Queensland vendors (some located in heavy tick country) and a number of interstate vendors who have completed the last stages of bull preparation in Queensland.
Strict instructions on feeding programs and desired weight have been provided to all vendors to ensure bulls are not over prepared and are ready to work. Given the timing of the sale many bulls will be spelled prior to a controlled joining later in the season whilst others simply go straight to work. The timing and conditions of the sale have been selected to suit Queensland Commercial Cattle producers many of which have been buying Simmental Bulls from southern states for years.

Barana Simmentals
Barana Simmentals has been breeding Simmentals for over three decades and has sold bulls all around Australia. Barana is a 2300 ac mixed farming & grazing property situated on the northwest slopes of NSW. Barana Simmentals was founded by Peter Cook in1980 on traditional European & NZ bloodlines.
Barana bulls are suited to all Australian conditions with particular emphasis on meeting the requirements of northern cattle breeders.
Bonnydale Black Simmentals
Founded by brothers Mike and Rob Introvigne and their wives Julie and Diane the Bonnydale Black Simmental Stud began in Western Australia in 2005. 2016 saw Jake Berghofer and Emma Patterson expand the operation into Queensland with Bonnydale now running a combined herd of over 1000 registered females.
Bonnydale works closely with top USA Simmental breeders to import innovative and high performing genetics from the best Black Simmental sires. We select for bulls that will perform and thrive throughout Australia and add profitability to any breeder herd. Annual sales are held on property in Bridgetown WA, at the Roma Saleyards and CQLX Gracemere (QLD) with paddock bulls available all year round.

Daraabah FLECKVIEH Simmental
We are a family operation consisting of Bruce and Melinda McColl, Lachlan McColl and Maddie and James Hannah and a new addition, Millie Hannah. We run 120 stud breeders on properties at Dubbo and Merrygoen in Central West New South Wales. We first began using Simmental cattle in the 1980’s when we purchased bulls to put over our commercial cows.
We were so impressed with the F1 progeny who were weaned and sold straight off their mothers at 8 -9 months of age. They always topped the market because they had reached on average 400kg, were soft, well-muscled and docile and clearly met the market specifications. The heifers weren’t disadvantaged price wise either because they were always keenly sought after for F1 mothers due to their excellent maternal ability.
Glenanna Simmentals
Established in 2013, Glenanna Simmentals is a family owned and run stud consisting of James, Maddie, and children Millie and Lucy Hannah, based in Northwest NSW. Originally selling under the Darabaah Simmentals prefix Gelanna has had great success in the QSBS with the top priced bull “Glenanna Skippy” sold for for $30,000 in 2023.
Amongst other acheivements “Glenanna Superstar” sold for $28,000 in the Golden Opportunity Sale. Glenanna is a new and exciting Simmental Stud and is excited to participate in the QSBS independently from 2024.

Grangeburn Simmentals
Registering the prefix in 2013, Brodhi Carracher set home base for Grangeburn Simmentals in Victoria’s south-west at Wannon, where they see extremes in season from scorching dry summers to waterlogged green winters. These conditions allow them to test the cattle year-round as to how they perform in the good times and the poor times.
Based on almost 700ha of grazing country, Brodhi is currently running a commercial cow/calf operation alongside the seedstock operation of 120 registered Simmental and SimAngus females, plus the sheep enterprise producing prime lambs. No stone has been left unturned in the quest for genetics to breed the ‘right type’ for their clients, northern or southern hemisphere, if it fits it is incorporated into the herd.
Jarravale Simmentals
Run by fifth generation cattle producers, Jarravale Simmentals aspire to produce excellent quality Simmental genetics that will produce more beef for our farming customers to enhance their profitability. Jarravale Simmentals is located near Kyogle on the Far North Coast of NSW. With a breeding herd of over 100 registered females, during the past decade Jarravale Simmentals has seen increasing demand for our quality bulls from both our local market and the wider Simmental community.

Lone Station
After only ten years stud breeding Lone Station Simmentals quickly established themselves as providing highly desired, commercially focussed Simmentals Bulls for selective joining with high bos indicus content cattle for the Queensland commercial cattle producer.
Lone Station Simmental Bulls are known for a clean coat type, consistency in growth, structural correctness, sound feet and being bred in heavy tick country. Lone Station Simmental females have been carefully selected for calving ease, fertility, growth rate of progeny, clean coat type and eye colouring/pigmentation.
Mt Mooney Simmentals
Mt Mooney Simmentals was established in 2008 after trialling many different British & European cattle breeds in our commercial beef operation. Ultimately we landed with the Simmental breed as it possessed not only the desired attributes for our commercial beef operation but also aligned with our desire to enter the stud breeding market.

Tullayr Simmentals
Tullayr Simmentals is a family run Simmental Stud located just North of Scone in the Upper Hunter of NSW. As a family operation, George, his wife Georgia and parents Liz and Mike all contribute to the stud’s success. We pride ourselves on having honest cattle with outstanding temperaments, suitable for a wide range of cattle markets.
Yerwal Estate
Yerwal Estate Simmental stud is situated 45kms south west of Naracoorte in South Australia. It’s a 600 ha grazing property that was purchased by Regan’s grandfather, Merv Lawrey, in 1963. It comprises of light sandy loam soil over clay which is ideal for pasture production.
Pastures comprise a mix of annual and perennial grasses and clovers. The climate is a wet cold winter and a hot dry summer with winter temperatures hovering in the low teens and with frosts and rain and summer temperatures up as high as the mid-40s.