We asked you, we listened and acted.
Australia’s largest Simmental Bull Sale improves even further for 2022.
Despite the 2021 Queensland Simmental Bull Sale being a great success with a 100% clearance rate (82 bulls sold) for a healthy average a number of changes have been made to this year’s sale (25 July, CQLX Gracemere) based on commercial beef producer’s feedback.
“Morphology testing is preferred over Motility testing”.
Morphology testing is now mandatory for all bulls in the Queensland Simmental Bull Sale”
“Out our way in Far Western Queensland our bulls need to be vaccinated for Vibrio”
It is mandatory that bulls in this year’s sale are vaccinated for Vibrio along with existing vaccinations.
“Some bulls had bedding hay in their pens on the day of the bull walk- I don’t like it”
Most vendors are of the same opinion as it looks like you are trying to hide feet. The sale has provided strict instructions that no bedding hay is to be in pens with bulls on the day of the bull walk or sale day this year and for the future.
“The photos of bulls in the catalogue under represented the quality of the bulls on sale day”
The sale has reduced printing timeframes (using a different printer) by 7 days to allow photos to be taken 7 days later. Vendors have been asked to have the bulls slightly further prepared by the date of photography but under no circumstances to over-prepare bulls”.
Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do about this.
“Bulls weren’t overfed and the sale wasn’t a feeding contest- don’t wreck a great sale by changing the formula”
The same terms and conditions as related to weight and age apply this year. Vendors have been reminded that bulls exceeding weight limits will result in decreased nominations for their stud in the future.
“I would have liked performance data on bulls”
Most vendors already have performance data (EBVs) for their bulls. From 2023 the sale will communicate performance data for most lots in the sale with a preference for data on all bulls in the sale from that date forward”
“There were some issues with some freight providers in the transport and delivery of bulls”
The sale has improved processes around the sharing of freight and Gary Wendt (Ray White Gracemere) is the central point of contact for all things freight at this year’s sale.
“In the end 82 bulls made it to sale day in 2021 we would like more”
It was a massive logistical effort to get bulls from as far as Western and South Australia to the sale. The last thing the sale wishes to do is to increase volume and reduce quality. The underlying principle of the sale is that the quality of bulls needs to improve every year.
Improvements in the supply chain have been made and vendors who exceeded the sale average in 2021 have been allocated additional bulls for the sale. The sale has also included an additional vendor- Woonallee Simmentals.
In 2022 the objective is to have a minimum of 100 lots present on sale day at CQLX Gracemere. (114 paid nominations from 14 vendors have been received)
What is Pp (big P little p) I haven’t heard of it- is it homozygous polled?
Simmental Australia classifies polled (not homozygous polled) animals as Pp. It’s obvious this has created confusion with the commercial beef sector in Queensland. From 2022 the following classifications as related to horned status will be used by the sale.
P – Polled, PP – Homozygous Polled, H – Horned, S – Scurred,
Pp – Not used at all
Thank you
On the behalf of the vendors we would like to thank all buyers, underbidders and outside agents for their feedback on the 2021 sale and how to make it better for 2022. We can’t have a successful sale without your input and support.
Your time and genuine/honest feedback has been appreciated by all breeders and their families and we wish you a great season for 2022/2023.
We hope to see you at this years Queensland Simmental Bull Sale, 25 July 2022, CQLX Gracemere