The results speak for themselves
The 2021 Queensland Simmental Bull Sale at CQLX Gracemere in 2021 represented great value for buyers with no pumped up prices and quality bulls available for every budget.
A 100% clearance rate was achieved with 82 lots averaging $12,450 providing access to quality Simmental Bulls sourced from every mainland state- Australia wide. With no lots run up and all bulls meeting the extremely tight entry conditions results were as follows.
$5000-> $10,000 | $10,001- $15,000 | $15,001- $20,000 | $20,001- $25,000 |
36 lots | 29 lots | 15 lots | 2 lots |
Highlights included
- During the sale and in the months post sale vendors have sold stud sires into at least 8 Queensland stud based operations with a further 8 sires sold into stud operations from other states in Australia.
- The two top priced bulls went into large scale Queensland Commercial Cross Breeding Operations.

The 2022 Sale will take place on 25 July 2022, CQLX (Gracemere).
- Quality will be even better as a result of studs selecting sires of a type truly suited to the Queensland producer.
- The logistics supply chain has improved meaning that more bulls will make it to sale.
What makes the Queensland Simmental Bull Sale different?
- Extremely tight entry conditions to guarantee quality of product.
- Diverse genetics. Where else in Australia (if not worldwide) can over 100 carefully selected Simmental bulls from 2400 registered females and approximately 300 recips be accessed at one time.
- Size. The largest Simmental Bull Sale in Australia for the genuine article (i.e. all bulls purebred Simmental/Fleckvieh) with all lots registered and DNA verified to guarantee hybrid-vigour.
- A number of vendors have reciprocal or other arrangements in place with Simmental operations elsewhere on the globe including the United States, Canada and New Zealand.
- Vendors include studs with large scale commercial operations, cropping operations, sheep and other agricultural operations along with others vendors diversified in non-farming operations who know the commercial value of livestock and land.
- All bulls entered are 8/8 registered purebred with the Simmental Association of Australia or Fleckvieh Association of Australia to guarantee buyers of hybrid vigour which is critical for an F1 cross.
- All bulls DNA verified to sire and tested Pesti-Virus Free
- All bulls Vet Checked, Morphology Tested, Mouthed and Scanned
- No body clipping or hoof trimming on all Bulls
- Minimum vaccinations. 3 Germ Blooded (Tick Fever), 7-1, 3-day, Botulism, Pesti- Virus and Vibrio
- All studs minimum JBAS 6
- Strict minimum and maximum weight limits apply to prevent the sale becoming a feeding contest
- Most interstate bulls acclimatised in Central Queensland for 3 months prior to sale
- Bulls previously advertised for sale are ineligible for inclusion in the sale
“Simmental- more weight on the scales sooner means more $ in your pocket”
Source your next Simmental Bull at the Queensland Simmental Bull Sale 25 July 2022, CQLX Gracemere and help celebrate 50 years of the Simmental in Australia and 1500 years word-wide.